Duet3_5+_Ethetnet-cache.lib not found
Hi there,
I am trying to open the Duet3_5+ projet with Kicad and there is a problem in the Duet3_5+_Ethetnet-cache.lib (not found).
Can anybody tell me where I can find it?
@juancar The cache file should not be required. What version of KiCad are you using? What happens if you 'continue without the cache archive'?
I am using kicad 6.0. and I cant not oped properly (no symbols in the schematic):
@droftarts thanks, we would need as soon as possible, we bought 4 boards and we need for developing!!!
@juancar i have pushed the cache files to the repository for the ethernet and wifi versions
@t3p3tony thanks, now it works!!! wonderfulllll!!!