Music in my PanelDue 5i with Duet2 Ethernet and reprap 3.4.1
I found post related to my topic tried given steps in the link to generate music using
Command But somehow
my panleDue 5i didn't playing music tones properly .I am using duet2 ethernet board connected with panelDue 5i with latest version
Is that any way to generate proper Gcode file for my problem??
What exactly happen when you try?
@phaedrux when I try I didn't
get musical toneFirst I try simple mario.g ringtone but buzzer only beep , it didn't produce what exactly i send.
I think tools are not producing correct Gcodes for reprap 3.4.1
look at my mario.g file and recording files of music
I see. I haven't really tested it recently.
The command stream is quite dense with those files. Lots of commands in a short amount of time. You could experiment with increasing the baud rate on the PanelDue and in the PanelDue command in config.g to match.
I changed baud rate to 115200 on the PanelDue and also in PanelDue command in config.g but same results !!!
What firmware do you have loaded on the PanelDue?
@phaedrux PanelDue 3.4.0 (latest)
Reprap (latest)