BLtouch 3.1 on Duet 2 WiFi 1.05 does not work
deployprobe.g config.g bed.g retractprobe.g homez.g homey.g homex.g homeall.g
The Config-Override.g, Start.g, Mesh.g are not yet available
If I squint hard and use my imagination I can almost make out the files listed in those images.
One other thing to try while I check over your files. Can you download a fresh copy of the 3.3 firmware package and upload the zip file via DWC? Just to reflash the firmware and make sure everything is present as it should be.
I see no errors in those files.
How are you initiating the homing process? Are you sending G28 or clicking on the DWC homing buttons or are you running a macro?
Firmware reinstalled, error is still displayed after M98 P"config.g".
We click on the DWC homing buttons
Can you send M558 P9 by itself and report back what it says?
m558 p9
Error: M558: Missing Z probe pin name(s) -
Can you copy and paste this line into the gcode console and report back what it says?
M558 P9 C"^" H5 F120 T6000
Did a test, pressure plate goes up, but the pin from the Bltouch doesn't go out
And if you send
M950 S0 C"exp.heater3"
does M401 and M402 work? -
Unfortunately not
Do you get an error from sending that M950?
If you replace the M558 line in your config with the one you manually sent, does it stop the error message you were getting before?
M558 P9 C"^" H5 F120 T6000
@phaedrux said in BLtouch 3.1 on Duet 2 WiFi 1.05 does not work:
Do you get an error from sending that M950?
15.2.2022, 21:20:33 M950 s0
GPIO/servo port 0 pin (exp.heater3,exp.8) frequency 50Hz@phaedrux said in BLtouch 3.1 on Duet 2 WiFi 1.05 does not work:
If you replace the M558 line in your config with the one you manually sent, does it stop the error message you were getting before?
M558 P9 C"^" H5 F120 T6000yes, and the table moves up
Are you sure you have the yellow wire connected to exp.heater3?
yes, we have already checked several times
Can you test with a different heater pin then? exp.heater7 perhaps? Alter the M950 command accordingly.
It may also be worthwhile testing with a fresh set of configs from the config tool.
We had already tested heater 7 and will be testing heater 5 and 7 again soon.
I just created a new config, we will test it afterwards.
Also, a big thank you for your help! That's great
Have tested heater 5 and 7, Bltouch still doesn't work.
New SD card with new system didn't help either.
Can you test with the BLTouch leads connected directly to the board without any extension?
The M558 problem is resolved, now we just need to get the servo communicating.
You mentioned in your first post that the power on pin test of the bltouch moves slowly. Is the BLtouch held upright? Have you tried connecting only 5v and ground?