I cannot make this work :-(
Hey guys, thanks for the help - I am finally printing
I have one more thing that bothers me. CURA
it prints the first 4 bottom and top 4 layers (solid ones) in proper speed, but areas where is just walls and infill are terrible slow. all my speeds in the Cura are set way higher, but the print is slow. Maybe someone had same issue before and know the solution. I also tried Simplify3D with same results.My G-code flavor is Reprap
My Cura start code isM140 S50 M190 S50 M116 G28 M400 T0 ; Select the tool G29 S1 ; Load Mesh coordinates M82 ; Absolute extrusion mode M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Start heating bed M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for bed to reach temp before proceeding M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Start heating extruder M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for extruder to reach temp before proceeding M98 P/sys/start_print.g
thanks for your time
@dank0 check the feed rates in the gcode file for infil and walls in a normal layer - are the feedrates what you expect (e.g. F3600 = 60mm/s). If the top and bottom layers are printed as expected.
From the config.g you set above your maximum speeds are set to 500mm/s, are the travel moves on those layers slow or just the print moves?
@t3p3tony oh, so if i want the speed 100mm/s it must be 6000 in cura to translate for reprap correctly?
@dank0 no i think cura takes mm/s in the configuration box, but then changes it to F6000 in the gcode - you can check that in the print file.
@t3p3tony ah, ok i got it, thanks