Board started smoking during print
I was instructed to post here via the @duet3d Twitter. I was in the middle of a print and all of a sudden the SD card started smoking then the main processor started smoking . I killed the power immediately. Voltage in is 25VDC. 12 in to the fan jumper to power 12 volt fans. No blown fuses. 3.3VDC LED is off now. Any ideas? I guess check for shorts on components.
Then, can I get a replacement board through a warranty? Purchased from matterhackers on august 3rd 2021.
Andrew -
Photos of the carnage?
With everything disconnected from the board can you connect USB and see what LEDs light up?
Only red led for 5V and usb are lit. Scorch mark on main chip and sd card slot. -
What is it mounted on? Is anything possibly shorting out on the back?
@andrewjl said in Board started smoking during print:
Only red led for 5V and usb are lit. Scorch mark on main chip and sd card slot.Can you dismount and disconnect everything from the board?
@phaedrux. Acrylic sheet behind it. Nothing obvious to short out on or evidence of it.
@andrewjl-0 said in Board started smoking during print:
can I get a replacement board through a warranty? Purchased from matterhackers on august 3rd 2021.
Please send an email to and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
@phaedrux I already contacted matterhackers where I purchased the board from. They just got back to me today with a return label and they're sending me a new board
@andrewjl Please also email as above. Matterhackers won't be able to send you anything until we've authorized them, and we can't do that until you complete the form.