fetching a state - vue js ?
I want to fetch value of boards[0].uniqueId in DWC (https://github.com/Duet3D/DuetWebControl) . App.vue has 'boards' available in mapState and I am able to use it within HTML tags to print uniqueId .But when I displayed uniqueId in one of the vue's methods , it prints undefined . Is there any other method to access this states in js? I am new to vue js . Can somebody please help me with the same? @chrishamm @dc42 any suggestions?
@user3d Please share your code. It should suffice to map
to your Vue instance and to print it from a Vue expression ({{ boards[0].uniqueId }}
). -
@chrishamm I am able to print it from a vue expression on App.vue . The thing is that I want to use it in js method once connection is established with board.
ConnectDialog.vue : ( please review function:submit - it executes alert('CONNECTED') and alert(this.boards[0].uniqueId) is ignored )
<template> <v-dialog v-model="shown" persistent no-click-animation width="360"> <v-card> <v-form ref="form" @submit.prevent="submit"> <v-card-title class="headline"> {{ $t('dialog.connect.title') }} </v-card-title> <v-card-text> {{ $t('dialog.connect.prompt') }} <v-text-field v-show="!mustConnect" v-model="hostname" :autofocus="!mustConnect" :placeholder="$t('dialog.connect.hostPlaceholder')" :rules="[v => !!v || $t('dialog.connect.hostRequired')]" required></v-text-field> <v-text-field ref="password" type="password" :placeholder="$t(passwordRequired ? 'dialog.connect.passwordPlaceholder' : 'dialog.connect.passwordPlaceholderOptional')" v-model="password" :autofocus="mustConnect" :rules="[v => !!v || !passwordRequired || $t('dialog.connect.passwordRequired')]" :required="passwordRequired"></v-text-field> </v-card-text> <v-card-actions> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-btn v-show="!mustConnect" color="blue darken-1" text @click="hideConnectDialog">{{ $t('generic.cancel') }}</v-btn> <v-btn color="blue darken-1" text type="submit">{{ $t('dialog.connect.connect') }}</v-btn> </v-card-actions> </v-form> </v-card> </v-dialog> </template> <script> 'use strict' import { mapState, mapActions, mapMutations } from 'vuex' export default { computed: { ...mapState(['isLocal', 'boards', 'connectDialogShown', 'passwordRequired']), ...mapState('settings', ['lastHostname']), mustConnect() { return !this.isLocal && !this.isConnected; } }, data() { return { shown: false, hostname: location.host, password: '' } }, methods: { ...mapActions(['connect']), ...mapMutations(['showConnectDialog', 'hideConnectDialog']), async submit() { if (this.shown && this.$refs.form.validate()) { this.hideConnectDialog(); try { await this.connect({ hostname: this.hostname, password: this.password }); this.password = ''; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); this.showConnectDialog(); } finally { alert('CONNECTED'); alert(JSON.strigify(this.boards[0].uniqueId)); } } } }, mounted() { if (this.isLocal) { this.hostname = this.lastHostname; } this.shown = this.connectDialogShown; }, watch: { connectDialogShown(to) { this.shown = to; }, lastHostname(to) { if (this.isLocal) { // Update the hostname this.hostname = to; } } } } </script>
@user3d Thanks. Some notes:
- There is a typo in the second alert call
- Unless you are running your Duet in SBC mode, the OM isn't fully populated at the time a connection has been established. For that reason you see the "Connecting" dialog right after the "Connect" dialog disappears and "boards" remains empty
- It would be cleverer to map the first unique board ID directly and to watch for changes instead:
...mapState('machine/model', { uniqueId: state => (state.boards.length > 0) ? state.boards[0].uniqueId : null })
watch: { ... uniqueId(to) { alert("Unique id has been changed to " + to); } }
@chrishamm Thanks for the help!