Fysetc Mini12864 V2.1 on Duet3 Mini5+ in SBC mode
I was trying out my new Mini5+ in SBC mode and one of the first things I did was to try and make my Fysetc LCD work, and had a surprisingly hard time doing so.
After some messing about, I found out that the LCD does not seem to work correctly in SBC mode only. I have zero issues with the same config snippet when the Mini5+ is in stand-alone mode:
M918 P2 R6 C30 E4 F200000 M150 X2 R255 U255 B255 S3
In SBC mode it looks like the Contrast control is not working, because I can faintly see the display when looking at an edge. There are no issues setting the color of the backlight with M150 (in 3.2.2 anyway, I know about the M150 X bug in 3.3b2).
I am currently running RRF 3.2.2. I tried the latest 3.3b2 and at one point had it working (I could adjust the contrast and see the display just fine with 3.3b2) but after powering off the Mini5+ and powering it back up (keeping the Pi powered), the LCD didn't work anymore in 3.3b2 until I went back to stand-alone mode with the same config.
Perhaps I will hold off to using SBC for now...
Can you try resending the M918 command in the console to see if it fixes the contrast?
@Phaedrux I did many times, it did not. Contrast adjust does not work in SBC mode.
There is a random element to this problem, because as I said it did work once in SBC mode (and contrast adjustments worked then) but the next time I power-cycled the Mini5+, the LCD went back to not working and I could not adjust the contrast anymore.
Thanks. Will look into it.