NodeDSF : Interface nodes for Node-Red (V1.1.11 - 06-10-23).
@tekstyle Node-red has probably generated a new key automatically now..
Look for a file called something like "flows_#####cred.json" in .node-red folder (the same folder as settings.js) and rename it to "flows#####_cred.old". Then restart node red.
It will probably clear all of the node settings you have already entered, but it should clear the error.
You will have to re-enter the IP and set the mode to Duet in the monitor node of your flow.
renamed the flow_cred.json to flow_cred.old.
stop service and start up again. then deleted all old flow and made new ones. it's weird, i can see the objective models in the debug (eg, it knows I have 2 tools configured) but it just doesn't do anything. it never updates (eg, T0 is set to "off" but it always shows "standby"). Also, the debug would just keep displaying new information even before I press the red deploy button
start log below:
pi@raspberrypi:~/.node-red $ node-red 20 Dec 21:33:24 - [info] Welcome to Node-RED =================== 20 Dec 21:33:24 - [info] Node-RED version: v2.1.4 20 Dec 21:33:24 - [info] Node.js version: v14.18.2 20 Dec 21:33:24 - [info] Linux 5.10.63-v7l+ arm LE 20 Dec 21:33:25 - [info] Loading palette nodes 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] Dashboard version 3.1.2 started at /ui 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] Settings file : /home/pi/.node-red/settings.js 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] Context store : 'storeInFile' [module=localfilesystem] 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] Context store : 'default' [module=memory] 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] User directory : /home/pi/.node-red 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] Flows file : /home/pi/.node-red/flows.json 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] Creating new flow file 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] +----------------------------------------------------- 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] | uibuilder v4.1.4 initialised 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] | root folder: /home/pi/.node-red/uibuilder 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] | Using Node-RED's webserver at: 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] | or http://localhost:1880/ 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] | Installed packages: 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] | jquery, 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] +----------------------------------------------------- 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] Server now running at 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] Starting flows 20 Dec 21:33:27 - [info] Started flows 20 Dec 21:34:43 - [info] Stopping flows 20 Dec 21:34:43 - [info] Stopped flows 20 Dec 21:34:43 - [info] Starting flows 20 Dec 21:34:43 - [info] Started flows
@tekstyle The log shows node-red is working without any credential issues now.
I suggest you go into the monitor node and click the pencil edit button next to the ip address
then delete the config
repeat deletion for every item in the list
Then delete the flow and do a full deploy
Go to the connection test example flow from my repo here, then click copy raw contents
In a new flow click the menu and select import
paste the copied raw data into the box, select new flow, and click import
this will create a new "Connection Example" flow
Double click the monitor node (named Duet2 Board), and click the pencil button and set your duet board IP and mode to Duet
Click update, then done, and then do a full deploy.
Open the debug side window
The use the Start & Stop nodes to control the monitor, the output can be seen in the side debug window. It should look something like this:
i got that far. it seems like it is working. I was able to see target active temp change and updated .
when i do a M117 "hello" on my console in DWC. where do I see that in the debug window in node-red.
@tekstyle Great!
First check you are on the latest release (v1.1.4) through the palette manager, I found a bug whilst answering your query, so please make sure you are updated before going any further. (It can sometimes take a while before updates show in palette manager)
Then add an DSF Event node plus a debug node and configure it like this:
Deploy, start the monitor and send a M117 message in DWC and it should appear in the debug window (like the picture above). -
i finally got this to work. that last post was a great help! thank you! now on to setting up email notification.
@tekstyle Great! I'm glad you got it working. It's worthwhile spending some time learning node-red, it's really powerful and easy to use, and there are loads of nodes available for interfacing with other IOT stuff etc. I run all my lights, home automation, & printers with it.
@mintytrebor so i used an email node with app password to get it to work. i just want it to display a message with m117 right now. however, it sends me the whole payload of dsf model.
i copied the path "payload.fullModel.state.displayMessage" . i just copied and paste. but it still keeps sending me the whole thing. anyway to zero it down to just what i request of it on the debug node?
@tekstyle Using the same example as before:
The DSF Event node sends the value of the event to msg.dsf.eventValue
Look at the help for the DSF Event node and its fully described:
My DSF event node/model path = state.displayMessage
debug node/output = msg.dsf.eventValue
the debug window above looks like this:
1/9/2022, 9:07:14 PMnode: aebd8e98337002b3 dsfModel : msg.dsf.eventValue : string[4] "dfsf"
my email looks like this:
{"fullModel":{"boards":[{"axisMins":[-198.7,-244,0,0],"axisMaxes":[214,196,365,141],"accelerations":[900,900,100,800,500,500,500,500,1250,1250,600,1250],"currents":[1000,1000,1700,0,0,0,0,0,680,680,500,680],"firmwareElectronics":"Duet WiFi 1.02 or later + DueX5","firmwareName":"RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 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@tekstyle The help from the email node states:
So if you want the email to just be the M117 msg text you have to set msg.payload = msg.dsf.eventValue
you need to add a change node to make this change
@mintytrebor Thank you for the tip to check the email node's help. still learning how to use it.
I was able to just send the M117 message. now i am working on how i can send values from the object modelling to it. It will take some time to play around with.
Thanks for getting me started and helping me get a little familiar with how node-red works.
V1.1.5 Update - Improved communication in Duet mode which should resolve issue where board could crash or fail to respond, plus fixed node not stopping on deploy when active.
I am curious to understand how NodeDSF works. so even though I am just trying to monitor for changes in the display message when a M117 is entered, what I noticed is that when ANY thing gets posted in the console, it trigger a flow no matter if a new M117 command was evoked. I just want to make sure I got this correct.
Regarding your update, majority of my wifi issues came from having a node-red server running on the same network as my duet2wifi. I was getting frequent disconnects that was impossible to resolve. Your update seems to have fixed some of those issues but I still have to mess around with it some more to make sure that was the case.
Currently, I have a very interesting setup. I have 2 wifi adapters on my laptop. 1 integrated, and 1 via USB. i have my integrated connected to my home WIFI. i have the USB connected to the duet in access point mode. i have node-red installed on my windows 10 machine. I am able to access the internet and connect to both node-red and duet2 board with a working nodeDSF.
@tekstyle The monitor node gets the machine object model from the sbc/control board about every 200ms (much like DWC does), and pushes it to the next node as a msg, with 3 main categories: The new Full Model, the Delta Model (just what's changed since the last msg), and the Previous Model.
Essentially the monitor node is emulating the same method the DWC uses to get data from the board, what happens with that information is up to your flow design.
The event node is designed to watch for user defined object model keys that change from the monitor node so you can trigger specific flows/actions only when the value changes, eg when the printer state changes from printing to paused.
The other nodes are specific functions to send gcode commands back to the sbc/control board, and to look for specially formatted M291 messages (see the NodeDSF wiki).
@tekstyle I would not recommend running node-red & NodeDSF on the same PC where DWC is also open in a browser, its the same as running 2 DWC sessions at the same time, which will generate a lot of network traffic. Your dual wifi may have mitigated this restriction.
My original use case for NodeDSF was to integrate the printer with my existing home automation solution running on Node-Red, which is running on a standalone SBC, so the design kind of reflects that original use case (and probably why I never experienced any crashes/issues)
thanks for the recommendation. i am in the process of converting my duet2wifi to SBC. just waiting on the adapter for the wifi module pinout.
Have to say, this project is excellent. Having never used NodeRed, it was relatively trivial to setup on my Raspberry pi 3b+ SBC board (following the instructions) and get going. I then wired up a pushover node, and voila, I now have notifications on my phone.
Essentially, I wanted to recreate the pushover notifications that you get with octoprint, and this worked a treat. It's actually more powerful, as the DSF-Event nodes let you look for specific changes with the Duet object model.
I used the DSF-Intercept node (with custom g-code added in the slicer) to check for layer changes and report when the first layer was started and finished.
This post is deleted! -
V1.1.11 Update - Nodes updated to RRF 3.5 comptability. Update through Node-Red Palette manager.