ovals instead of circles
How oval are you seeing? Photo of the previewed STL and the resulting print?
OK I'll post it all tomorrow afternoon
The piece I did it with fusion 360
@Leblond Make holes something like this:
The flat at the top helps to prevent the filament from falling into the hole.
The openscad code for this example:
hull() {
translate([12,-4,0]) cube([1,8,5]);
} -
The plate on top helps prevent filament from falling into the hole. I knew this, as far as I know with care there are tricks to avoid the plate, maybe I have the wrong settings I just have to understand where I was wrong, but to make you understand better I designed this to make you understand ..
and it never happened to me, at least until recently
It looks like you've got some bad ringing and maybe too hot temps? Too high jerk?
probable, in fact I put my hand back to the configuration and I lowered the jerk from 1000 to 600, then once another piece is printed if I get improvements I post a photo
even the temperatures will have to lower by 5 degrees, petg mold at 230 degrees the print bed 75 degrees