Configuration problem?
ok I was able to correct the only one Z motor moving issue looks like it was binding when it got to a certin level. this has been addressed. My New problem is when I home Z the bed lowers away from the Endstop.
Are you sure your Z is going the correct direction? The reason I ask is because my machine is an Ultimaker like clone. When I first configured it, I had stuck in my head that when you hit +10 on the axis movement, the bed should go up. That was incorrect. Minus is up. Mine did the same as yours. Once I switched that, it homed fine.
Sounds like you need to reverse the direction of the Z motor. Look for the M569 P2 command in config.g and change S0 to S1 in that command, or vice versa.
OK that worked, Now when I home Z it does not stop once the endstop is triggered. it tries to brake it.
Read in particular the parts about 2 different ways of homing the Z axis.
When you run an M119 command with none of the switches triggered, what does it show?
It Shows
Endstops - X: at min stop, Y: at max stop, Z: not stopped, Z probe: not stoppedI have ran the M119 command and even with clicked the red LED goes on on both the motherboard and the endstop but when I run the M119 command it shows as not stopped like quoted above. i have even tried with 2 different endstops
M574 X1 Y2 Z1 S0
If you are using the same type of switch for all end stops, then X, Y and Z in the above should be the same. If it doesn't stop when triggered, try S1 instead.
As long as you have all switches wired the same way, all should be good. Have you tested continuity of the switch and the wiring to the switch. Also, check that the connector is plugged in to the correct connector. One last thing, when I wired mine up, I didn't get the recepactle in the connector all the way and when I would plug it in to the board, the board pin would push the receptacle out of the plug enough to make it not work.
M574 X1 Y2 Z1 S0
If you are using the same type of switch for all end stops, then X, Y and Z in the above should be the same. If it doesn't stop when triggered, try S1 instead.
Just changing S0 to S1 will reverse the logic of all the switches. I'm not sure thats what he wants if the other switches are working properly.
Yea the switches light up correctly on the motherboard but the M119 command does not show that it is being triggered. Is there something in the config or .g that I am missing?
Hmmmm…. That is odd. Are you 100% sure you have it plugged in to the Z endstop plug location on the board? I know that sounds basic but stranger things have happened.
Also make sure that you have Z0 in your M558 command.
That SOLVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You so much!!! I am now Printing and its great can I buy you a beer or 6 @DC42?