Octoprint DSFprinter
found this via a github search. Hope it is ok to post it here ? @ofliduet
@PCR said in Octoprint DSFprinter:
Hoe it is ok to post it here ?
i am sorry but the spelling mistake is funny
The Duet Software Framework must be running on the same Raspberry Pi as OctoPrint. To make DSF coexist with OctoPrint on the same PI a few changes need to be made. You'll need to
change the port DSF is running DWC2 to something other than port 80
move OctoPrint to a different path in Haproxy
set the default backend to point to DWC2
a bit light on the details, this been covered somewhere? Install/start with DSF frist or Octoprint first - any difference?
I believe you can change the port number for DWC in /opt/dsf/conf/http.json
You just need to install the plugin. After that you can select the port "DSF".
Will test the plugin now.
First try was not successfull. I can connect, commands will be sent due to the logs but no response. Will try to find out what happens.
BTW: I would like to use Octoprint for Mosaic Palette prints as long as there is no plugin for DWC.