straight lines are (no longer) straight
this is most likely a mechanical issue.
what kind of printer is it?
@Veti it's a self made printer (blv mgn). what do you suggest to check/fix?
check belt tension
and recheck that each corner is still 90 degrees
thanks for your answer.
we checked and did not find any issue.
the strange thing is that that 2 lines (left and bottom) are fairly straight while the other 2 lines (right and top) are crooked. because it's a core xy printer this makes us think that the issue might be related to the direction of rotation of the steppers.
have you got any further hints?
we can see the head moving in x and y direction where it should not move in these directions.
remove the belt and see if everything moves without resistance.
Does the machine have steel core belts?
@mrehorstdmd no, it's got fiberglass belts as.
@Veti when i last had removed the belts everything moved without resistance but i'll check when a find enough time and energy after my bread and butte job.
I just took apart my first blv printer because I was noticing the same thing and it turned out it was no longer square. I would check the frame by measuring on diagonals....front right to left rear and front left to right rear. See if they are identical. If not then it's time for a tear-down.