Hide Heater 1 and 2 in Web Interface
I am working on installing a Diamond 5 color head on my printer.
I added a Duex5 to the printer to handle the extra extruders.
So to keep all of the Diamond hotend wiring together I was thinking that I would connect all 5 extruders, the 1 heater and the 1 thermistor to the Duex5.
But when I create the first tool using Heater 3 (the first heater on the Duex5 - correct?) Heater 1 and Heater 2 still appear in the Web Interface.
Heater 3 displays the correct temp but, naturally, Heater 1 and 2 display an error because there are no thermistors for these.
Am I trying to do something that cannot be done? Do I have to use Heater 1 from the Duet Wifi board?
I had the same Problem, I hope 1.19 will solve this as I have seen "M105 temperature reports are now in tool heater order instead of heater order" in the latest beta release note
I had the same Problem, I hope 1.19 will solve this as I have seen "M105 temperature reports are now in tool heater order instead of heater order" in the latest beta release note
I have been avoiding anything that says "BETA" but perhaps I should try it out.
Can I revert back to 1.18 if 1.19 has issues?
Yes, no problem to roll back.
For up- and downgrade 1.18 to 1.19 see here: https://duet3d.com/wiki/DuetWiFiFirmware_1.19beta
Thanks to all.
Hi Frederick, I have mistaken the RRF changelog.
The problem lies with DWC instead of RRF
I have uploaded a modified version of DWC on github which should hide heaters with no associated tool
https://github.com/SleepyPrince/DuetWebControl/raw/master/DuetWebControl-1.16.zip -
Hi Frederick, I have mistaken the RRF changelog.
The problem lies with DWC instead of RRF
I have uploaded a modified version of DWC on github which should hide heaters with no associated tool
I will give it a try.
Have you made any other changes from the "official" 1.16 version?
Hi Frederick, I have mistaken the RRF changelog.
The problem lies with DWC instead of RRF
I have uploaded a modified version of DWC on github which should hide heaters with no associated tool
I will give it a try.
Have you made any other changes from the "official" 1.16 version?
That's the only change
2 lines of code