Under voltage issues.
Hey, my printer just started making horrible grinding noises. I thought it was belts being stripped, but what it turns out was that my Y axis had reversed itself. After reading up a little, I found that under voltage can do just that. I checked my cables and Y started working again, so maybe a bad cable. HOWEVER, when I went to do another home check, the z motors both started doing the same shutter thing. SO, now I'm wondering if it's the power supply?
Any thoughts on trouble shooting that?
It might help to know what duet board you have, what firmware it's running, what the motors are, what your psu is, your config.g and the results of M122.
The DWC will display your PSU voltage.
Otherwise just measure the output with a multi-meter while under load. -
It was loose cables and bad pins.. I replaced the pins and the problem went away.