M587 unsupported command
My biggest concern at the moment is the M587 command being unsupported.
M587 is a new command as of 1.19, if it isn't working that means the firmware wasn't updated fully.
Given that 1.19 is a beta it's to be expected that there can be issues.
Any particular reason you stopped using 1.18?
Because it wasnt connecting to the web control.
I am a member of another forum, we all have the same printer. It uses the rumba board which many of us are not satisfied with. They have been following my progress with the duet to see if they should get that or another controller. So far at least one is opting to get the smoothie board rather than the duet. Others will follow that path if i dont get this working. Just saying.
So let me get this clear. Are you saying Others are basing their buying choice on the progress (or lack thereof) on one person who might or might not be doing things in the correct manner. Sorry but that's Akin to trying to charge a gun with committing murder…. And it also comes across as a very thinly veiled threat.
In that forum we all have had numerous issues with the printer, not software, and we all want each other to success, have been supportive of things that worked and cautioned on things that didnt. I want to succeed with this board and post good results so the others will be tempted to pay the higher price for the duet rather than some cheaper board that may not do much better than the original. Sorry if that came across as a threat, at any rate probably an inappropriate statement.
Calvinx, thanks for your advise, will do as you say and post results. In past attempts i get as far as the SetNetwork macro and it reports M587 command unsupported.
Because it wasnt connecting to the web control.
Do you mean you could not connect to the printer using a browser to access the printer web control pages?
Calvinx, it worked! first try. I dont get it, but thanks man. I will run some tests to see if endstops work and repost.
So at the moment i cant homez, however, the z axis will stop at 0 during the move command and
i can print, and the z axis will work at expected during the print.I will post the config file and the homez file tomorrow.
Thanks again for the help.
Because it wasnt connecting to the web control.
Do you mean you could not connect to the printer using a browser to access the printer web control pages?
No, i couldnt connect to the printer web control page via wifi from my pc. But happy to say its working now.
Glad to hear it is now working.
Just FYI 1.18 works fine too in that regard if you find that 1.19 beta has any other show stoppers.
Yeah 1.18 is the stable build, i suspect there was something else causing an issue. I would advise a word of caution using a beta firmware as an example for others who are weighing the pros and cons of a Duet