Very slow mesh bed level
I have a Tevo Black Widow with Duet Wifi. I have got it all set up now just tweaking and tuning. I did a mesh bed level and it took ages like 20 minutes at least is this normal. I don't really want this slow level every time I print it will take ages just to get the print started. When z probes the bed its moving very slow.
Post your config so we can see what settings you're using.
You can do a few things to speed it up in general like reducing the dive height to the minimum required, speeding up the travel speed between points. Reducing the number of points if you don't need that level of detail.
Or, better still, you may be able to just load the saved heightmap before the print with G29 S1 instead of doing the full probing run. This works well if the bed level stays put between prints.
; Z-Probe M558 P9 C"" H5 F60 T6000 A10 R0.5 M950 S0 C"exp.heater3" G31 P25 X+41 Y+10 Z0.0 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height M557 X25:360 Y15:220 S20 ; define mesh bed level
You need to measure your probe trigger height and enter it in G31 Z otherwise your mesh grid will not have the correct position of the bed.
Once you've done that, redo the mesh with G29 again, and then try using G29 S1 in your start gcode instead of just G29. Then you can do a good probing once and load the results before the print.
Yep sorry that was an older config.g. I have z1.13 for height
@Elvis0z said in Very slow mesh bed level:
I don't really want this slow level every time I print
Some people here use script that automatically mesh just the print area. This makes it more practical to mesh before each print.
(title say Cura but works also with other slicers)
@zapta Thanks Zapta