Another Predator
@NexxCat said in Another Predator:
Try using this macro to configure your Z-probe offset. I wrote it and use it across multiple machines. Make sure to heat both the bed and nozzle. I use 60C on the bed and 130C on the nozzle:;calibrate_z_probe_offset.g G31 P100 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Reset Z trigger height to 0mm M290 R0 S0 ; Reset babystepping G29 S2 ; Clear bed mesh G28 ; Home the effector G1 X0 Y0 Z20 F6000 ; Move close to the bed G30 ; Probe to find a rough Z 0mm G1 X0 Y0 Z1 F3000 ; Move the nozzle to Z 1mm slowly G92 Z3.0 ; Set the Z height to 3mm, allowing moves below 0 M291 P"Lower the nozzle to until it grips a piece of paper. Click to continue." S2 Z1 G92 Z0 ; Define this point as 0mm G1 X0 Y0 Z20 ; Move the probe to Z 20mm G30 S-3 ; Probe and set the trigger height G1 Z20 ; Raise Z to 20mm
It will report your trigger height back, which you can then put into config.g
Just a quick heads up.. this macro is kinda broken on the latest RRF3-RC6 for me.. the dialog doesn't show any steps anymore.
@bberger You could even use M500 P31 to save the offset to config-override.
@Phaedrux yeah, I was just trying to point out a possible bug in the latest DWC (or RRF) release. Just wanted to mention it before I forget.
I'll file a GitHub issue once I've verified that the dialog (there should be a dialog with step command buttons, right now I only have a dialog without inputs) is actually broken and it's not on my end.
@Carlo said in Another Predator:
Out of pocket..the original is from Duet3d online
Hi Carlo. Really sorry that the Smart Effector caused you so many problems. It wasn't obvious what part was causing the issue in this thread, so many thanks for sticking with it and trying a replacement. I'm glad it wasn't the Duet too!
I'm very happy to offer you a warranty replacement for your original Smart Effector. As you bought it direct from us, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page, referencing this thread:
@Carlo Also, no need to return the old board at present. What might be useful is if you can take a good, focussed, hi res image of both sides of the board, and post them here, so we can see if there are any physical problems with it, eg poor soldering, which might be easily fixed. There have been two versions of the Smart Effector, v1.3 and v2.0, which do you have?
If possible, it may be worth updating the firmware on it, though I don't think you can query the board to find out the firmware version. The latest was released in November 2019. See
If you bought the board before then, it may have the issue where it forgets a custom set sensitivity, though I don't think you were using this feature, using M672 (see update the firmware on the Smart Effector you'll need to connect a programmer (eg AVRISP Mk 2) to the 6-pin connector next to the LED, and use Atmel Studio or avrdude to send the firmware hex file to the board. You may be able to use another Arduino to program it:
@bberger Thanks, I've got a fix ready and will include it in the upcoming DWC 2.1.2.
Hi Ian,Thanks I appreciate that..yeah its been a real 7 week pain but being new to Rep Rap a real baptism of fire and I've learned a lot about it and how kind the people on this forum are.
It is a PCB version 2.0 and it was purchased before Nov 19 as I said I had the kit for a while only ever checked the contents of the parcel until 9 weeks ago when I ordered the Haydn rods..I have tried setting the sensitivity via M672 to various setting to no availas I mentioned it has never shown any errors always 2 flashes and there is no visible damage.
I'm more than happy to return it for update and Duet to offer it as a refurb unit.
Pictures below....Now what do I need to know about the Duet 3 ? as I'm awaiting it's arrival from E3D ..would have purchased it direct but still showing Covid 19 on the site and E3D are a good bunch.
C -
@Carlo might just be the light, but the soldering on the back of the input 1 pins doesn’t look great. Can you post a better picture of that area?
With Duet 3, it depends what you want to do with it. If you run it in Standalone mode, it’s pretty similar to setting up a Duet 2 Ethernet, with no WiFi of course. Connecting with RPi, it becomes much more flexible and powerful, but it is a fast-developing environment! Perhaps do a basic setup, then add the Pi later, unless you are a RPi guru!
Hi Ian,Yeah..its just the light hitting some ripple around the pins flux? the soldering seems fine not the same quality as the top pads now I'm looking at it.
Is it possible I was sent a refurbed board ?
@Carlo said in Another Predator:
Is it possible I was sent a refurbed board ?
I very much doubt it. The board pins will have been hand soldered in the factory, so can be a bit variable. Hold on to the board for now, and we’ll send you a new one, if you’ve done the warranty claim. Unfortunately we don’t have the capacity with everything going on to test it, so we’ll assume this is a one-off and not worry about it. If anyone else reports similar problems, and we remember, we might ask you to send it back at a later date for testing.
I wouldn’t have an issue if it was I hope if something can be salvaged and reused it is.. plus the warranty is the same so would make no difference to me.
Quick one Duet 3 nothing being written to config_override.g is this normal or known issue ? RRF3.0 duetpi pi4
C -
Yes that may be a known issue. What firmware versions are you using?
I would suggest that for now you get the Duet 3 setup and running using standalone mode without the Pi. Release 3.01 final is coming soon. Once that is out the pi functionality should be a lot smoother.
Yeah all setup and working just wanted to make sure it was not something I’m doing/not doing.
Cheers for the info.
Sorry RRF 3.0