Help! Uploaded CRC is different (25e2595f vs. expected 2080b701)
@droftarts Some news regarding this issue, the SD card seems fine but I changed it to another one without any results.
RRF 3.3 stable is solving the CRC issue but in Wireshark there is a lot of TCP flags ("ZeroWindow" and "Window Full") that are present while uploading and not when downloading. These flags are present with RRF 3.3 and also my custom 3.2 build.
I also tried uploading without CRC check with RRF 3.2 and compared the uploaded files with the original files with Meld, and it's interesting :It seems like there is a cache leak as full sentences end up written in the G-Code, it might be TCP requests but this is beyond my expertise.
As RRF 3.3 stable solves the problem, I'll start building from it. Thank you for your help!
@hugsy If you could post the Wireshark trace, that might be helpful.
@chrishamm can you take a look at this?