Dual Z bed leveling using BLTouch
no the z settings will apply to all if your M584 is correct
@veti Thanks again.
I'm getting close to hooking up my Duet to my new printer and after thinking about this setup, can mesh bed leveling still be used when syncing up the dual z-leadscrews? The reason I ask is that the bed.g file has to be changed for the dual z sync and I would assume the G29 command has to be removed/commented out for the two G30 commands to be performed.
I don't want to run mesh bed compensation every time I turn on the printer and for all I know I may not need to now that I have a MIC-6 bed but it will have a Wham Bam magnetic plate on it so I'm sure that won't be perfectly flat.
This is what I "assume" my bed.g needs to be for the dual-z sync
G28 ; home
M561 ; clear any bed transform
G30 P0 X20 Y170 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, half way along Y axis
G30 P1 X300 Y170 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors -
it depends.
if your bed is perfectly flat then the G32 that does the z adjustment is fine.if its not perfectly flat then the G32 will move the bed in such a way as to minimize the deviation.
the mesh bed levelling G29 will is still required to compensate for the flatness of the bed itself. -
So do I have to leave the G29 in the bed.g file or can I just call it from DWC manually entering it on the top as long as I have the grid settings defined in my config.g file with the M557 define mesh grid?
i call G29 from the initial G Code for printing and do the G32 z adjustment manually from time to time.
You could also do G32 and G29 in the initial printing g code if the extra time does not bother you. -
Well I need to get that G32 out of the config.g file...I made a change to the config remotely while at work which rebooted the duet and there were prints on the bed from last night that finished after I left for work this morning. Now I can't re-connect to the printer and it must be hammering against the prints trying to re-home.
Guess I'll put it at the end of the homeall file instead.
Hi James, have you managed to resolve this? I have just started looking into this feature of having an independent Z axis leveling, but also using the BLTouch.
@MilošS I have it working fine but I am not home to be able to post up config.g or bed.g. I'm now using a triple z setup on my corexy printer for the bed.