Idiots guide to splash screen
Hi all wondered if one of you would help me out please I have resized an image to 800 x 480 as a bmp then run it though the erscher converter and now have a bin file of that.
I’m struggling to understand how I integrate this into the 5”-7” int without logo bin
Ihave both files on the desktop tried many times to the instructions on github I’m just not getting it -
Are you getting an error message?
You do have to be careful about getting the file names correct.
Hi J
My Logo is WILE E COYOTE and named WILE E.bin the file has converted fine to a bin file and is on the desktop along with the original file for the PanelDue-5.0i-7.0i-nologo.binSo instruction is to "Run this Windows command to append it to the binary: copy /b PanelDue-v3-5.0-nologo.bin+myimage.bin PanelDueFirmware.bin"
I am entering the following at the command prompt and its not working.
copy /b PanelDue-5.0i-7.0i-nologo.bin+WILE E.bin PanelDueFirmware.bin
I receive an error message
Really sorry if Im explaining it badly i think Im nearly there just the letter is throwing me.
Your help much appreciated. -
It could be that there are spaces in your filename.
Copy the file to something simple say WILEE.bin and try the command line again.
Paul -
@paulhew Thanks Paul
Should the program for converting the bitmap to bin actually open up
No it's all command line only
its good practice to avoid spaces in file names, but if you do use them, then quotes or escaping them is necessary on the command line.
copy /b PanelDue-5.0i-7.0i-nologo.bin + "WILE E.bin" PanelDueFirmware.bin
would likely work. -
Thank you all for your help have now got to grips with it much appreciated!