Input requested - building (or buying) a CoreXY
Hello everyone,
I plan on moving to a larger volume printer and am trying to decide if I should build a printer of buy a kit. I'd like to keep the total around $1,500 USD (I already have a Duet2, E3D-V6, and 24v power supply that is outside of the budget amount) and I'd like the volume to be in the 500500500+ range. I've been looking at a TronXY X5S-500 (500500600) but am starting to wonder if, for the money, it is possible and makes sense to build one from scratch. I was thinking, if I build from scratch, that I would go with a 610*610 bed and could implement linear rails for the carriage along with 3-4 Z axis motors for ABL. I am planning on a MIC-6 cast aluminum bed and SSR line voltage heater regardless of if I build or go TronXY.
I've looked on inscrutables and have seen a few builds of smaller volumes but thought I'd ask here. Does any one have any opinions, pointers, or links to resources for larger CoreXY printer builds.
i have seen the tronXY in person. its not a bad printer to get started with but you will end up replacing bearings and printing some upgraded parts to increase rigidity. with your budget it might be easier to scratch build something like a hypercube. there is a good amount of documentation to get you started and a pretty good community behind them. i have a 30x30x30 and absolutely love it. your biggest hurdle will be getting the printed parts unless you have a printer already you can use. 500x 500 shouldn't an issue with 10mm rails any bigger and you will need to find a more ridged motion system if you plan on printing quickly. you can find build instructions and the base set of parts on thingiverse. there is also a facebook group.
Thanks for the reply, I currently have a TronXY X5S (330x330x400) and have replaced the bearings and a few other items and added corner braces. It's not bad, I am just looking for a larger volume.
What's the difference between a CoreXY and a HyperCube? I'll do some research but I though I'd ask. If I go with the bigger TronXY I'd likely stiffen up the bed frame, replace the print bed with cast aluminum, and switch the carriage to linear rails.
A Hypercube is just one specific printer design that uses the CoreXY kinematics/belt layout. There are many others such as:
-RailCore II
-Hypercube Evolution
-Many other lesser known printers