short burnt ATSAM4E8E
not exactly sure what i shorted but there is a pretty distinct line burnt from pin 96 on the cpu , i replaced u2 and got the 3.3v led to light up, however all of the endstop leds next to the connectors are lit up and i have no 5v led (this is all when powered from usb) so my question is, what are some things that i should be looking at before i go about replacing the cpu so i can be more sure i dont murder another one
edit: i should mention that this is a duet wifi 1.03
@iamcheese Pin 96 goes to a heater pin on the expansion header. does that make sense as a way you could have introduced a high voltage into the processor?
crap, was looking at the ki cad pcb file and counted over the pins on my board (i can post close up of the cpu if it helps) shoudld be it red marked pad is the one that the leg/pin is burnt completely off