New Board, Dead Board.
My Reseller told me to open a Thread in this Forum because i bought a new Duet with 7" Panel last week from Makerdise. I used it 5 Days with out a Problem yesterday during print with out touching the wiring the Panal smoked and the LED turn dark. The Wiring is professionally done ( its my job) nothing went lose.
If i turn the Power on now the thers only the 2 Power Led Blue and Red on. Display and the rest stays dark.
I was using a Duet Ethernet befor on this printer for about 6 Month only wanted to switch to the Wifi and the 7" display now. My other 4 Duet´s have had no Single problems until now.
After the "crash" is switched back to the a Other Duet on this printer and have no problems ther too
@xanaden can you power the board just from USB without the PanelDue connected and see if you get 3.3V V and you can connect to the Duet.
@T3P3Tony Sure i can but it looks like 3.3V is missing.
Still Dunno why my "old" duet ethernet is still working fine on the same machine.
Pin 1 zu Pin 2 von 4.0 Ohm and Pin 1 to Pin 3 42.4Ohm and Pin 2 to Pin 3 40.2 Ohm
Some updates: the board and panel needs to be inspected by a technician for further analysis. We will send out a new board, pd 7" and a return label today.
@Xanaden - please fill in the warranty form: -
@makerdise @xanden
I agree it looks like the 3.3V regulator has blown. That is likely to be a short between VIN and some part of the 5V system (causing the regulator to "see" VIN rather than 5V.). Before you ship it back can you check to see if the 5V LED comes on with just VIN plugged in, no USB.
It is important to check all your wiring very carefully to ensure there are no shorts. Issues we have seen before:
- Heater cartiridge shorting to hearter block shorting to thermistor.
- Shorts within wiring looms
- Shorts on the back of the board due to mounting
P.S. please can you fill in the reseller warranty form not the Duet3d one: