New wiki for documentation
To original beta tester documentation page made use of PRZ's great lightweight help system (actually an older version, its even better now) however it is designed for running on an embedded system not for collaborative documentation so using on the website as the main documentation system was only temporary.
We have put a wiki up now: we will use to provide complete documentation, and we encourage all of you to register an prove your input. Fair warning we are still debating the structure so we may re-organise it as we progress. In addition we will be adding the Duet entries fro the RepRap wiki in time so don't spend time re-writing those verbatim.
I have enabled image uploading with a 2Mb limit, if anyone has images they feel need to be larger than this then let me know.
Nice work.
Couple of things (I know work in progress
Can the documentation link point to the wiki directly please.
Can the Wiki have a link back to the forum…. if it's there it's not obvious.
The wiring diagram is cut off on the right hand side, can see the fan connection text.
Hi Phil
Fixed the documentation link
Some of the pictures are still direct links in the wiki, which need to be moved to proper wiki file references. Even then though images are fixed width, I will look to see if I can make media wiki display images responsively.