X and Y aligned
My corexy was moving as it should and then all x commands became movements in y just in the opposite direction. For example a command of X100Y100 results in no movement as they have become opposites. As such I no longer have any x movement. I have reset the board and uploaded newly configured firmware and yet the problem persists. Any ideas?
Did you do a firmware update from earlier than 1.19? see:
https://github.com/dc42/RepRapFirmware/blob/dev/WHATS_NEW.md"Important! On a CoreXY machine, if upgrading from a version prior to 1.19beta9, you need to reverse the Y motor direction in the M569 command. Similarly for CoreXYU machines."
No I was just jogging the head around whilst levelling the bed and suddenly x became -y.
Solved, turns out it was a mechanical problem.