Math and Variables in gcode
im sorry if this has been asked before but I am playing around with the idea of making a printer that has 3 z motors that can automatically mechanically level the bed. This will likely involve probing three locations on the bed and storing the distance traveled at each position in a variable then rotating each motor by a certain value. calculating that value will at least require multiplication and will probably require all three . can this be done with a macro or will it require customizing the firmware or is there some other method like a c++ standalone function that could rewrite the macro since it is just a text file? thanks and sorry again if this has been asked before.
What you're talking about already exists as automatic bed leveling with independent lead screw motors using the G32 bed probing command.
Here is the doc how to configure indepent Z motors: -
For the life of me I couldn't find it.
oh awesome. Thank you very much!
I guess the main and more general question is still unanswered but I assume you cannot store variables and do math within a macro?
Not currently.