raspberry camera on new firmware version
Hello. I have update since some weeks to 3.5.4 version. I ahve a duet3, sbc raspberry 3 b+
I have a raspi camera attached. I really use it from time to time, jsut to check sometime if print is ok from remote. It used to work very well on previous version, on this one I know raspbian has changed to bookworm (I say it like if I really know what it is jajajaj)
To my surprise doing the sudo raspi-config in order to activate the camera no longer exist. Si I dont know if the camera is there or not,
Can somebody point on how to activate de camera please?
Thanks inadvance -
@Tinchus In RRF 3.5 and later, use the Spyglass camera plugin for cameras connected to the RPi via the CSI connector, and Motion for USB-connected cameras. Unfortunately we currently don't have documentation for Spyglass, but as far as I understand it is straightforward.
I've been put a fresh Bookworm DuetPi 32-bit lite image on my Raspberry Pi 3B+ and its the first time ive tried using a Pi cam ( on the CSI connector) but the spyglass plugin only rund for a few secconds.
I'm not sure if the DSF package has what i need to run the camera?
Could anyone point be to a guide that is a little more helpfull than plugins.duet3d. com /plugins/SpyglassWebcamServerPlugin ?
doese hostename in this "[HOSTNAME]:8080 " mean duet3.local?