(Z/C)aribou Duet 420 - any owners here?
Dear All!
I own a Zaribou/Caribou Duet 420 machine with Duet 3 Mini 5 + Wifi Duet- Panel Duet 7" controller, purchased a few days ago and have some questions. I hope I am right in this forum?Any Carobou owners here?
Best regards
Stephan -
@spiceminer a search reveals other owners, and posts related to Caribou machines. See https://forum.duet3d.com/search?in=titlesposts&term=Caribou&matchWords=all&by=&categories=&searchChildren=false&hasTags=&replies=&repliesFilter=atleast&timeFilter=newer&timeRange=&sortBy=timestamp&sortDirection=desc&showAs=posts
Feel free to ask the questions anyway!
late to this thread but - beeter late than never ????
2 Caribou/Zaribo ... runing duet 2 ... my vorons run Duet3 mini + 5 though.
I dont run wolfgangs firmware releases though. Had my Zaribos on Duet before they ever really considered it.
Hope your machine is running good!