Z axis is not homed. Probe not triggered during probing move.
I am just a user of Smart 3D printer and now need to maintain also. I started getting below error:
Z axis is not homed. Probe not triggered during probing move.
Can someone help? Is sensor ok? Thanks a lot.
@deepakvarma Please supply more information, it is impossible to help with this otherwise. See https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/5909/guide-for-posting-requests-for-help
- RRF version
- Which Duet board(s)
- Post config.g
- Post M122 output
- What hardware is causing the problem? (In your case, what probe type? eg BLTouch)
- Post homez.g as it is related to Z homing. If you pressed 'HOME ALL', also post homeall.g