Option to loosen chamber heater faults, rising too slowly etc.
For my chamber heater I'm using 2 large power resistors, these are aluminium plates of 20x10cm each, I've chosen the resistance so they can't run too hot, each resistor is 15 ohm, the two combined generate 76 watt heat. It's not much but it's enough and they don't get so hot that I risk burns, issues with cabling etc.
My printer lives outside, shielded from the rain but not the cold...It's not possible to tune the heater, in Marlin I had THERMAL_PROTECTION_CHAMBER commented out and it worked well, sometimes the heater doesn't reach the set temperature but this doesn't really matter.
I'm puzzled how to do this in reprapfirmware, it have not found how to disable the faults.
It's ok that the firmware checks if the heater gets too hot, but I would like to get rid of any heating too slowly errors.I've now resorted to mounting the thermistor on the heating element and not in the air, this seems to work with the tuning but this isn't really the temperature I want to control.
@brampie you can relax the time to fault and the acceptable range, but you cannot turn off heater fault detection entirely
@T3P3Tony thx, this seems to work even when set to 40 hours, thx