Tips for autotuning a very large heated chamber?
@chrishamm I'm powering the pi via a usb C supply. My suspicion is that because the freezing happens at a regular pace, perhaps it has to do with the daemon.g. Is that possible?
@p8blr I need the full DuetControlServer log to answer that. Your excerpt didn't show anything significant.
@chrishamm How do I generate that?
journalctl -u duetcontrolserver --no-pager -b
@chrishamm I can, I'll get back to you on it...
@chrishamm So far I'm not getting any more issues connecting to the web interface with the heaters combined now, just errors that the DWC versions don't match.
@p8blr have you refreshed page? this bites me on occasion on upgrades!
@T3P3Tony refreshing the page seems to work fine. I know what you mean though, sometimes before when I refreshed the page it wouldn't reconnect.
@p8blr yep if DWC is upgraded the page needs to be refreshed before it's upgraded in the version you browser is displaying!
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