Filament oozing during delta calibration?
Hi All,
I like to calibrate every print as it takes very little time and also to calibrate at bed and print temperature so I put the calibration in the start G-code after heatup sequence but doing so causes some filament to ooz out of the nozzle and get between the nozzle and bed during calibration which (I think) throws off the calibration a bit and causes inconsistencies in the first layer.
I am wondering how you all are preventing filament getting on the nozzle during the calibrations sequence?
@KeithW set the hotend temperature to below the oozing point. I typically use 160c for PLA.
So you set the hot end to 160c in the start up gcode then do the calibration then set the hot end to print temperature? I suppose that should work, I wonder how much the 60c difference would effect the calibration, probably a lot less than a blob of filament on the nozzle in any case. I will give it a try thanks.
@KeithW I set the bed and hotend temperature when I start up the printer. I run calibration and print. Only need to calibrate once.
Thanks again, this seems to be working, I think I will try to work out the maximum temperature that filament doesn't ooz and set it just set it to that but 160c is a good start.
I calibrate my delta with 160°C too. If you see some differences, you can adjust the nozzle/z-probe offset in config.g -
I've yet to see that there is a measurable difference between heated and unheated nozzle for calibration. With a smart effector/direct nozzle probe, I can see some temp on the nozzle as being beneficial so any filament residue softens enough to avoid affecting the probing process.