controlling (multiple) closed loop steppers
Is it possible to control closed loop steppers with the 6HC, 6XD or the 3HC expansion board, or is this only possible with the 1HCL expansion board?
@fcwilt Problem: I have a delta build which will use the 6XD and 3 servos for the arms and i need at least 1 normal stepper and 1 to 2 steppers with an encoder connected to my extruder, and as far as i can see in the documentation the 6XD doesn't support normal steppers and only the 1HCL supports the encoding signal. I would prefer to have one expansion card which supports multiple standard and encoded steppers instead of 1 tool board 1LC and 2 1HCL boards. thats why i was wondering if the 3HC board could deliver this
You can easily have one 6HC and one 6XD in a system. More than two 6xx boards is a bit of work.
You can add 3HC, 1HCL, etc to the pair of 6xx boards.
@fcwilt Thanks, this solves my problem for the normal steppers and the servos, but not the use of encoders. At this moment i found only the 1HCL capable of using a stepper with encoder, or is there also a way to get this functionality with one of the other boards?
You can get a controller with encoder equipped stepper and drive the controller with the 6XD.
@fcwilt Thanks, that answers all my questions. I will indeed go that route: the 6XD for all servos and closed loop steppers. and if i have a normal stepper i can always choose to use the 3HC addon or the tool card or an extra external driver. Solved.