Help asked to find Duet for my DIY 1m² printer.
I'm Zoltan from Zoltan3D in France, I own a 3d printing and design company and own 28 printers.
2 of those printers are totally selfmade and have a 1000x1000x1100 build volume.For now, they work with a chituboard F motherboard, and it's a piece of shi******** ...
Your salesman totally convinced me to upgrade to Duet at FormnextCan you help me draw up a list of equipment to buy)
Here is what my two large DIY printers contain:
Chituboard F with touchscreen
A fixed buildplate
4 Nema32 4A for Z axis, with DM542 drivers (if I understood correctly, the Duet can control the nema23 directly in the DM542 controllers)
1 Nema23 3.5A for Y axis
1 Nema23 3.5A for X axis
1 Nema17 for E
2 mecanical homing switch, 1 for X and 1 for Y
1 magnetic homing for Z
2 cooling fans
1 head cooling fan
a standard volcano head with normal printer thermistance and heatblock
1 self made mecanical switch based bed leveling
all in 24V
And a 1500W heatbed controlled externally with a simple electronic thermostat directly plugged in the 220V (why no wire them on the board with a relay or something)
So in fact i want the right board, extensions if needed, what is better for the 4 Z axis ? couple them 2 by 2 and after in the duet or plug all 4 on the duet ?
I want also Wifi, and of course a good touchscreen.
Duet have some accelerometer like in Klipper to reduce resonance ? espacially in this printers with heavy moving parts.I am sure those printers will work Wayyyyy better with Duet (I don't even remember why I used Chituboard F ....)
Thanks for your answers
@Zoltan3D Hi Zoltan! I can't remember if it was me that spoke to you at Formnext, or someone else; I spoke to so many people!
I'd suggest a Duet 3 6HC for mainboard, perhaps with a Toolboard 1LC for the hot end. The 6HC has 6x high current outputs to control the NEMA 32 and 23 motors directly (no DM542 drivers required), and enough inputs for everything else. The 1LC would be mounted on the X carriage, and control the NEMA 17 extruder motor, hot end, fans and probe (and anything else) on the hot end. The 1LC would be connected back to the 6HC by CAN-FD bus, so the only cables from the mainboard to the X carriage would be CAN (twisted pair wire) and power (+24V and GND) - this simplifies wiring greatly.
Alternatively, you could go for 6HC and 2x 1HCL with magnetic encoders, and make the X and Y motors closed loop.
The 6HC has an add-on board for WiFi, see
The PanelDue is the Duet touchscreen, which is... functional, if not pretty. Alternatively, if you run the Duet in SBC mode (with an attached Raspberry Pi), you can connect an HDMI panel to the Raspberry Pi and have the full web interface for control.
The 1LC has an accelerometer built-in for measuring ringing and helping to apply Input Shaping, and we produce a separate Accelerometer if you don't go the 1LC route.
Let me know if you need more information.
@droftarts I don't know remember names too
it was a cool guy with Glasses
I represented Revopoint 3D Scanners in Europe, and was on the Revopoint booth all the week, I come to Duet on friday.
But all of you looks profesionnal
(And I nearly brought your rotating mini 3D printers, whith the non flat printing round buildplate
I Think I will choose the first suggestion with an additionnal Accelerometer, and it's because I don't really have the choice, The Y Nema23 motor has a dual shaft, one on each side of the motor to moove both Y betls on same time, so I can't make it close loop with the magnetic encoders
Now I just have to fing a good reseller who sell all o this componnents at same time
Because I see some, but not all sell all parts
If I have any trouble, I will come back.
For now, big thanks for your help (because as I jsut see, Duet is good, but duet let you many different way to do the same thing, so a little bit confusing
@Zoltan3D if the first choice is the 6HC and 1LC, you don’t need an extra accelerometer, as it is built in to the 1LC. Most resellers should have those two boards.
@droftarts Wow.....
I contacted 4 different EU resellers ... no one single answered in 7 days ....Can you say me how can I buy this things .... and i am also interrested to be a French reseller, because there are no active one in France
@Zoltan3D Our list of genuine resellers is here:
If you're having problems with a particular one (and they may just be really busy in the run-up to Christmas), please email and let us know.Ian