WIFI SPI timeout error
Do you get any errors if you try to reflash the module by sending M997 S1?
@Phaedrux I haven't tried, what file should I upload for the beta4? DuetWiFiModule_32S3.bin
783 KB?
The problem is sporadic, it happened to me 3 times and after at least 2 hours of printing on a 5 hour print. Now it is completing a 5 hour print and the problem did not occur, but it is the first print after the restart, it has always happened on prints made with the printer that had already worked other prints. -
@danzaywer said in WIFI SPI timeout error:
what file should I upload for the beta4
It's already there, so you don't need to upload anything to reflash it.
If you still get the problem, it would be worth trying to roll back to an older version like 1.27 wifi server to see if you get the same problems.
I get the same thing from time to time and I'm running pretty much identical setup.
I've tried different versions of the wifi server but it still appears sporadically.
My latest attempt was to turn off telnet and FTP. I read a note aboutsome more memorybeing allocated due to issues if all were running, so it may still be related.
I haven't done enough printing since then to see if it helped.
Sometimes it can go weeks without happening, but when it does, I can't access DWC and the PanelDue is spamming the errors so fast you can't do anything.
I had to turn off the power and recover on my last print when it was running out of filament.EDIT:
Actually I think it was a timeout value that was increased , not memory allocation -
@Phaedrux I had issue first time flashing beta so I used M997 S1 P"I-not-remenber-what-bin-working"
@OwenD I just disabled FTP. Telnet already off... Let's see if anything changes
@danzaywer It's curious that both you and I posted messages at almost the same time. I'm also seeing the message "Error: failed to retrieve WiFi status message: SPI timeout" appearing in the serial output from the controller (I'm connecting via USB; I don't have a display), with the WiFi interface state turning to "disabled" after that and so no response to pings etc. For me power cycling fixes it, as does sending:
m552 s-1 m552 s1
I wonder if there is a firmware bug where the recovery from an SPI timeout is not being handled properly. I think first I'll look at trying the latest firmware, and if it's still doing it I guess have a look at the code if that's available. I'm new to Duet so not sure if the code's available but I guess I'll find out.
One thing I'm wondering, how many WiFi access points do you have on the same SSID? Is it just one, or do you have multiple?
My post FWIW [https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/34030/duet-3-mini-5-wifi-losing-network-connection-never-to-return](link url)
@martinv So you say to use
M552 S-1
instead of
M552 S0
in my trigger? Luckily since I disabled FTP I have done 4 long prints and still there is no problem
@danzaywer The M552 S-1 is what I'm using. I saw this mentioned elsewhere in the forums when people had WiFi problems. Looking in the reference [https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Reference/Gcodes#m552-set-ip-address-enabledisable-network-interface](link url) I see:
Snnn 0 = disable networking, 1 = enable networking as a client, 2 = enable networking as an access point , -1 = disable WiFi module
So there is a difference between disabling the networking and disabling the WiFi module, but the specific differences are not clear to me. If M552 S0 is working for you... Maybe I'll try it next time my controller gets stuck.
For anyone in this thread with this issue, please post your wifi server version, and if you can recall what version the problem occurs and if possible test if an older version like 1.27 has the same issue.
@danzaywer OK the problem resurfaced and I tried M552 S0 then M552 S1 and that brought it back to life. So it looks like either M552 S-1 or M552 S0 followed by M552 S1 works for me at least.
I'm running WiFi firmware version 1.27. I hope to try the very latest some time today.
@martinv I'm on 2.1beta4, after turned FTP off the problem not occurred yet but I restart printer for other reasons. I have the impression that the problem arises after a long period of activity .
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