Can a display show DWC UI rather than standard paneldue UI?
Im building an automatic Injection moulder which id like to use duet hardware for. However the DWC UI is heavily orientated towards 3d printers and the panel due even more locked down. I think Duet hardware would appeal to a wider market if the UI was more easily customisable for machines outside of 3d printers.
Can the DWC GitHub files be loaded in to software like visual studio for example, edited and then used to replace the stock DWC? How did ooznest make a custom ui?
What I want to do is use a duet 3 and RPi to host DWC. As the panel due isn't ideal for a machine like this im looking for alternatives. What im not sure is if that same RPi can be connected to a large touchscreen say 10inch + and be used to control the machine via DWC.
I think what Id need to do is have a second RPi for the large display which has raspian OS and chromium and setup it to run in kiosk mode fullscreen. Then access the controller by wifi by calling its IP address in the browser. However im not sure if DWC is touch compatible or what you do for a keyboard. Short comings in my knowledge.
If anyone knows a way to better achieve a touchscreen interface for machine other than a 3d printer without moving away from duet hardware, id be very grateful to learn more.
undefined Phaedrux moved this topic from Duet Hardware and wiring
@Wurke said in Can a display show DWC UI rather than standard paneldue UI?:
What im not sure is if that same RPi can be connected to a large touchscreen say 10inch + and be used to control the machine via DWC.
Yes. Since DWC just runs in a web browser.
You may also want to look into a custom UI interface like DueUI
@Phaedrux Thanks for that. I'll have a look at DueUI.
Did you mean yes it can be done on one raspberry pi or id need two? Can an operating system and browser be installed on a raspberry pi which is serving the duet control board?
I think klippers mainsail approach to ui customisation is good. You can at least re position panes and toggle them on and off even if it is all 3d printing orientated.
@Wurke you run the duet in SBC mode. That way you get DWC with an HDMI touchscreen. So you'd only need one pi.
Also look at BtnCmd for DWC. It allows you to create your own custom layouts etc -
@jay_s_uk So if you connect a display via hdmi to the RPi then it'll show the DWC by default?
Thanks for the plugin link. Its something to consider. The main issue is terminology like extruder and filaments which you wouldn't find on a injection moulding machine control panel.
Ideally id like to edit the actual DWC code. Is that possible? Im alright with code im just not sure if you can compile it and use it after editing.
@Wurke yes with DWC showing. And yes, you can edit DWC. It's built using vue and typescript
Best target the 3.5 branch -
@jay_s_uk I read something in the read me file on GitHub about editing locally. Does that mean you can edit DWC by accessing the RPi directly? Would that be via nano or something? I don't want to make massive changes.
@Wurke it's best to edit DWC on a desktop computer as it can take forever to build on something with less power like a pi. Then just upload the -SBC build that's created
@jay_s_uk Ok. Thanks for your help its much appreciated.