; Endstops M574 X1 S1 P"xstop" ; configure switch-type (e.g. microswitch) endstop for low end on X via pin xstop M574 Y1 S1 P"ystop" ; configure switch-type (e.g. microswitch) endstop for low end on Y via pin ystop M574 Z1 S1 P"zstop" ; configure switch-type (e.g. microswitch) endstop for low end on Z via pin zstop
Your endstop configuration is incorrect for a delta. You must use X2 Y2 Z2 because the endstops are at the high end of the axis.
ok I'll try tomorrow -
@Phaedrux X2 Y2 Z2 works, but I have a serious problem that I can't solve, pressing the switch manually on the screen it shows me that it works but once I start probing the work surface the nozzle crashes on the surface
@Phaedrux I took +5v on the expansion connector, GND+Zprobe on the ZPROBE connector
What kind of probe is it?
Have you tested the probe in isolation yet?
What gcode are you running to start the probing?
Share your bed.g
si l'ho provato e funziona, da 0 a riposo a mille quando lo premo, e ho provato anche al rovescio da 1000 a 0 sempre manualmente e funziona, nel momento in cui vado a sondare il letto se non metto la mano sotto il probe non si ferma e si schianta sul letto, non ne riesco ad uscire, ho provato anche a cambiare l'input di ingresso ed e uguale al precendente, domaninmattina ti posto il bed.g
yes I tried it and it works, from 0 at rest to a thousand when I press it, and I also tried it backwards from 1000 to 0 always manually and it works, when I go to probe the bed if I don't put my hand under the probe it does not stop and crashes on the bed, I can't get out of it, I also tried to change the input input and it is the same as the previous one, tomorrow morning I'll post the bed.g -
What type of probe is it?
Does the probe status show 0 or 1000 in the DWC window?
You may need to invert the probe signal.
I would suggest you try this
M558 P8 C"!" H10 F120 T6000
Then send G28 to home the towers and then G30 to test the probe. Trigger it by hand just in case and be ready to cut the power if it doesn't respond.
hi so the settings i used are:M558 P8 C"!" H10 F120 T6000 reset to initial dwc 0, if I put my hand underneath and press it it goes to 1000.
M558 P8 C"^" H10 F120 T6000 result in initial dwc 1000, if I put my hand below it goes to 0
I made a G30 and it works but I don't understand why when I go to make a G32 it doesn't work
Funziona tutto -
Thanks guy, the problem was that I didn't know that when you do a G32 that then it goes to call the BED.G
the probe does not activate in the moment of fast descent towards the floor, but it activates in the moment in which it proceeds with the probing coordinates, I thought that the probe activated in the moment in which the G32 command is given, while if the command is given G30 followed by the coordinates the probe is active -
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