@stuartofmt I couldn't try it anymore. But the new version didn't start at all
@Proschi78 said in DuetLapse3:
@stuartofmt I couldn't try it anymore. But the new version didn't start at all
A logfile with -verbose will reveal all.
@stuartofmt said in DuetLapse3:
Wanted to bring to your attention Verson 5.0.x.
I got side-tracked with some significant code re-arangement ( same functionality). The ability to set max video length is formally included.Please let me know what you think.
@stuartofmt Thanks, I'll take a look!
It doesn't seem to be making any videos for me. I see that the temporary folder is created during the print but no video. I'll attach a log file.
481_1_overhang_test_mini.log.txt -
Thanks for the logfile. There may be two problems and a "condition".
The likely problem.
You start Duetlapse in standby state but nothing tells it to go to start state. As a result there is no attempt to capture images hence no video can be created.
In the options:
2023-01-24 17:40:55,863 - terminate - -standby = True
The logfile shows DuetLapse entering standby state:
2023-01-24 17:40:55,944 - terminate - ++++++ Entering standby state ++++++
But there is nothing that takes it out of standby state. In fact, throughout most of the log, DuetLapse is simply looking for a command.
In the logfile, towards the end of the print (I'm assuming), there is a command to DuetLapse
2023-01-25 16:48:23,135 - gcodeLoop - M117 Command: DuetLapse3.completed
Did you intended the gcode to take DuetLapse out of standby mode with:
M117 DuetLapse3.start ; start G4 S10
Either , the command is missing from the gcode or DuetLapse did not "see" the command.
The condition
There are a few instances where there are network issues in the log. Most are sub-second (not uncommon in my experience). It is possible that DuetLapse did not see the start command because it was sent during a network issue. This would be plain bad luck
There is a network disconnect that lasts about 3 minutes. On reconnect, DuetLapse goes back to its previous (standby) state :
2023-01-25 10:39:05,717 - gcodeLoop - Cannot connect to the printer <snip> 2023-01-25 10:42:52,139 - checkforConnection - ----------------------- Reconnected to printer ---------------------- <snip> 2023-01-25 10:42:57,145 - nextAction - nextAction resuming after reconnect target = standby
The same pattern occurs at 11:50
The second problem
At the end after the command to complete the print job; DuetLapse tries, correctly (for the first time), to get an image and make copies to satisfy the
-extratime 2
option.There is an error because this command failed
wget --auth-no-challenge -nv -O /home/pi/ftp/files/DuetLapse/octopi/192-168-1-8/481_1_overhang_test_mini/Camera1_00000102.jpeg "http://cam.local:8765/picture/1/current/"
i.e. it could not get an image from the camera.I'm concerned about this for two reasons (1) Is the camera working / are the parameters correct and (2) I do not expect to see the image file being requested as number
I recommend you verify that you can capture images using the following from the command line:
wget --auth-no-challenge -nv -O ./test.jpeg "http://cam.local:8765/picture/1/current/"
I will take a look and see why the image number is not what I expect. Its possible that I have a bug that somehow prevented attempts to capture images but the code logic does not change based on camera type.
2023-01-25 16:48:31,220 - nextAction - Command Exception: wget --auth-no-challenge -nv -O /home/pi/ftp/files/DuetLapse/octopi/192-168-1-8/481_1_overhang_test_mini/Camera1_00000102.jpeg "http://cam.local:8765/picture/1/current/" > /dev/null 2>&1 2023-01-25 16:48:31,221 - nextAction - Command 'wget --auth-no-challenge -nv -O /home/pi/ftp/files/DuetLapse/octopi/192-168-1-8/481_1_overhang_test_mini/Camera1_00000102.jpeg "http://cam.local:8765/picture/1/current/" > /dev/null 2>&1' returned non-zero exit status 1. 2023-01-25 16:48:31,222 - nextAction - !!!!! There was a problem capturing an image !!!!! 2023-01-25 16:48:31,222 - nextAction - Copying last frame to extend video by 2 seconds
I executed the command that you listedwget --auth-no-challenge -nv -O ./test.jpeg "http://cam.local:8765/picture/1/current/"
and an image file was created. I downloaded it and it was what I expected. I updated my router firmware and changed some settings, I also added a -port modifier to duetlapse, but I still get the wget --auth-no-challenge error and no images are captured. Here's another log file if it helps.
604_3_Fidgit3_resize.log.txtPS I also did an apt full-upgrade on my duetlapse pi and my camera server and updated to the latest dev version of motioneye.
@osterac said in DuetLapse3:
wget --auth-no-challenge -nv -O
The earler problem was clearly the lack of start command. Now however, its clearly the wget that is unhappy.
I'm not sure why because the command is being reported as syntactically identical when executed by DuetLapse3 as the one you proved to be working at the command line.
Try this version of DuetLapse3. All I have done is use a different form of the wget command ( -v instead of -nv) when -verbose is set.
Hopefully this will generate better output from wget as to why it is unhappy.DuetLapse3.py -
ran a print with the new script. log:
604_1_xyzCalibration_cube.log.txt -
Unfortunately the error output from wget only had marginally more information
Not enough to suggest WHY it is unhappy. This may be because Python is calling wget and not all the error response is getting through.
I've added another line of code to, maybe, capture some more info.
I googled a bit and it MAY be because the url has a trailing slash. With the newer script, can you try with:
To save a lot of time during testing - you do not need to be printing. Just set something like:
-seconds 15 -dontwait
and remove -standby
This way DuetLapse will start capturing images every N seconds even though there is no print job running. Let it run until you see (or not) an image capture error in the console, then use the UI to download the current logfile. The logfile will be startup.log since there is no actual print job.
If trying above does not give any luck, it could be a Motioneye nuance. Seems there MAY be an issue getting still images if there is no streaming enabled.
If this is the case - you could try setting-camera1 stream
and weburl1 to the streaming URL (as opposed to the still picture url). In any case, this may be a better solution as you would not have Motioneye getting still images at one frequency and DuetLapse doing so at another frequency. -
I did a print with those settings. It managed to capture the jpg files, but it's 30 minutes after the print and it is still writing to the log file and hasn't deleted the images or made a video yet. Log file attached.
598_1_printer_square_calibration.log.txt -
@osterac said in DuetLapse3:
I did a print with those settings. It managed to capture the jpg files, but it's 30 minutes after the print and it is still writing to the log file and hasn't deleted the images or made a video yet.It is working just fine. 88 images captured according to the log, every 20 seconds --> almost exactly 30 minutes.
It will continue to do so until one of two things happens:
- you start a print job that runs to completion
- you tell it to stop.
One way to tell it to stop:
Use the UI.
https://github.com/stuartofmt/DuetLapse3/blob/main/Documents/User Interface.mdControls --> Terminate --> Graceful (this will generate a video)
Looks like you are good to go !
BTW. I installed motioneye and found that wget is definitely not happy about something. Unfortunately it only returns a generic error code. I also noticed that the still capture from motioneye did not seem to work from a web browser.
Using the streaming interface seems the way to go.
I did a graceful terminate and waited a couple of hours but it is still updating the log file. Web UI says this:DuetLapse3 Version 5.0.3 Connected to printer at: Process Id: 598 Last Update: Tuesday - 15:32 Capture Status:= Completed DuetLapse3 State:= completed Duet Status:= processing Images Captured:= 88 Current Layer:= 33
Updated log file
598_1_printer_square_calibration.log.txt -
I'm not able to see the same issue on my test system (using Motioneye). It all works fine for me.
I think there may be an edge condition associated with the use of -extratime as this is where the program encountered issues. Unfortunately, if it was a Python issue (syntax or similar), it cannot be captured in the logs. It would only be visible in the , now, long gone console output.It may also be associated with the polling of Duet as I saw a situation (in your log) that I have never seen before. In any case, the program got itself into a bind.
I am also not sure exactly what's happening at your end . I can see you used Terminate but I also see 8 instances of
M117 DuetLapse2.completed
command. This suggests either you are isuing the commands from DWC or from one or more print jobs ? Can you help by explaining what happened ?I have a couple of ideas I need to think through but feel confident that I can avoid this condition.
If you have some time on your hands; you could try another run (without - extratime). Just set the program running (no print job needed), let it run until the UI Video tab tells you there are enough images to create a video) and then use Terminate-->Graceful. This should work just fine and if it does (or does not) will narrow the scope of what's happening in your case.
As for the multiple stop commands, it may be because I printed several things after duetlapse got stuck so commands were sent to duetlapse from that. In my end gcode I use this command:M98 P"DuetLapse3Stop.g" ;stop timelapse
Which calls a .g file that contains this command:
M117 DuetLapse3.completed ;Stop DuetLapse3 G4 S10 ;Wait 10 seconds
I have several of those files, one for start, pause, continue, and stop. I have references to them in my start and stop gcode, and in my pause.g, resume.g, and cancel.g.
I tried doing a run without extratime and I was able to get a video. here's the log file.It may look a little odd because I started recording and then started a print and duetlapse caught on to that. I ended the recording before the print was done.
So will I be able to use extratime at some point in the future? -
@osterac said in DuetLapse3:
So will I be able to use extratime at some point in the future?Yes, absolutely. Hopefully over the weekend.
Release Version 5.1.0
Continuing on the journey towards a plugin ....
Version 5.1.0
[1] Removed the use of M117 messages and replace with M291 messages as this gives much better control. Also there is no need for a delay after the message (as there was with M117).
[2] Set new default, minimum values for -seconds (20) and -poll (10) along with some logic changes to avoid an occassional race condition.
[3] Fixed a code error associated with -extratime
[4] Some minor bug UI / Typo fixesDetails on using M291 are here:
https://github.com/stuartofmt/DuetLapse3/tree/main/Documents -
See the post above. You will need to change M117 control messages to the M291 equivalent.
Note that there is no need for a delay after each message