I found relief for JST-ZH wiring pain
@gnydick yes, probably. Though in the past, when wiring Ethernet wall sockets, I know I’ve messed up doing it with a screwdriver!
I bought some ethernet connectors a little while ago (inserts for a wall plate) and they actually came with a small punch down tool for each connector. I think the tool was plastic.
@Sindarius Let me know how it works out for you.
@gnydick I will, should be here on Thursday
@gnydick So they showed up just a little bit ago (late) and in testing them out I had some trouble with the cheap punch tool that I bought to test with. Wasn't having much success with it. Took a small flat head and pushed the wires in just to see if I could get them in. Shredded the connector a little bit but I do have continuity across the wires and I can give it a decent tug and it doesn't let go. I am going to investigate and see if I can find a better tool to punch the wires in.
Picture not for the feint of heart! I'd probably still take this over soldering the pigtails on the 1LC.
@Sindarius thanks so much. That's not actually that bad. Magnified that much it looks much worse than it is
There is a proper crimper but it's anywhere from $400 to $1000. Which is just crazy.
I bet if you just took a very small screw driver and notched the center of it, it'd work.
@gnydick I pulled down the step file and am going to see if I can design a simple tool to push it in
@gnydick Went ahead and did the other end and wired it up. worked like a champ. Only took a couple minutes to get everything put together. Great find! going to finish redoing the wiring on the rest of my toolboards.
@Sindarius awesome. I'm so glad we have a working solution.
@Sindarius now we're talking!
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