Circles not printed round
I have a coreXY printer (Hypercube Evolution)
Today I found out, that shapes prints are distorted:
A circle is not a circle, but wider along the Y-axis than along the X-axis, by half a millimetre.
Where could this problem come from?
The belts are tensioned. The angles are 90deg. Both motors for XY movement are identical and have the same steps/mm set in config.I am running out of ideas.
@Tryptamine In the upper picture it seems, the caliper-tip is not behind the edge of the print...?
I only hold the calliper there to visualize the problem. I made dozens of measurements in multiple prints. -
@Tryptamine Could it be a mechanical problem with to much friction in one axle?
@Tryptamine If you print the same test at twice the size does the difference in X/Y size change or stay the same?
I also had this problem with my Hypercube at the initial stage.
Try printing smaller circles. The effect should be more noticeable. The shift was diagonal in my case. Based on this, I have concluded that one axis runs with more friction. I then installed higher quality bearings and the problem was solved.