Home Assistant Integration
@nikscha, I also run home assistant but I can not envision a use for a home assistant Duet integration/connection. I go to a web page to interact with home assistant and I go to another web page to interact with the 3D printer. We are talking about clicking on a different tab and then cancelling the print on the DWC. Maybe if I somehow wanted to automate DWC - ie I come home and home assistant starts a print .... that seems a bit 'optimistic' in the best case and more like trying to find an excuse to link DWC to home assistant.
I am really curious about 'why' you want to combine the two. -
@nikscha This is somthing that I've thought about from time to time, but I can't see a usage case for home assistant integration. For sure, it might be possible to incorporate some commands into a home assistant dashboard but what's the point in simply substituting one dashboard for another? For me, home assistant is about automating tasks whereby there is a trigger which will initiate actions if certain optional conditions are met. So the action might be to start, stop or pause a print, but what would the trigger(s) and optional conditions be which wouldn't otherwise be taken care of by firmware? One could possibly expose certain printer sensors to HA and make use of the long term statistics features but again, I can't really think of a use case for those statistics.
@deckingman, good point about exposing printer sensors. The following could make sense: the printer pauses because of a temperature issue or a filament issue and home assistant could be tasked to email this fact to the user. If I am home and run the printer then I check on the DWC and on a video feed fairly regularly so for me that wouldn't be much of an advantage. If I am not home and an error occurs I can't do anything about it anyway.
NodeDSF works with node-red (which also integrates with Home Assistant) and works with both stand alone and sbc/dsf configurations. It exposes Object model, monitors status, send commands, plus a few other things.if you look here you can see an example using the node-red dashboard - an equivalent would be achievable in the home assistant dashboarding system.
Here is my current HA Printer dashboard..
This one is currently using MQTT with Klipper, (I tend to switch between RRF & Klipper for development reasons), but I have used it with NodeDSF previously.
I also seem to remember someone mentioning MQTT functionality on the roadmap for RRF, but that needs confirmation from the team.
As to why - my chamber heater is controlled through a smart power socket and I needed a way to incorporate a temp sensor on the Duet Board to trigger the chamber heater on/off - I can do this in HA with NodeDSF. I also use it to control the lighting/led strips using zigbee...
@MintyTrebor Thanks, I'll check it out!
I just found out that there is also a Home Assistant Integration for Prusa:
The octoprint integration looks great too:
spelunking the commits for the upcoming v3.5 release it looks like RRF will grow native MQTT support soon. EDIT: Probably not on all boards, I haven't had time to read this PR completely.
I'm hoping to use Home Assistant to turn on a HEPA filter that is powered off a HA plug strip. This way depending on the filament configuration it either turns on automatically at the start of a print and off once a certain time after completion or turns on after print completion and runs for a timer.
HA can control the fan and timer and just needs duet to tell it the print reached a milestone (set on the duet side when start or end of print macro is triggered per filament.
I've also got MotionEye cameras that feed into HA and if I could start or stop a print from HA I would have those buttons on the page with the camera views.
Last reason I'd like HA integration is I have touchscreena around the house that control things in HA and if duet had integration I could just walk up to one of those and change tabs with the existing build instead of having to larch something else or modify the build.
@oliof Uhh that would be a nice start!
I'm hoping that prusas release of their "PrusaLink" integration for Home Assistant will cause RRF to get one too -
While waiting, you can easily use this:
https://github.com/iz3man/duet3d/blob/main/duet3d.yamlJust add the lines to your configuration.yaml, modify for your printer and restart HA.
@pkos Nice
@nikscha It works
I've been using it for ages now, although I don't have a very elaborate layout. I mostly have HA watch hotend temp and once it's been at 45C for 2 minutes after a print - it switches the printer off.
My code is as follows:
- platform: rest name: Voron_24 Status resource: http://<ip_here>/rr_status?type=3 value_template: "{{ value_json.status }}" json_attributes: - temps - fractionPrinted force_update: true - platform: template sensors: voron_24_head_temp_current: value_template: "{{ states.sensor.voron_24_status.attributes.temps.current[1] }}" friendly_name: Hotend Temp voron_24_bed_temp_current: value_template: "{{ states.sensor.voron_24_status.attributes.temps.current[0] }}" friendly_name: Hotbed Temp voron_24_print_percentage: value_template: "{{ states.sensor.voron_24_status.attributes.fractionPrinted }}%" friendly_name: Print progress
And this is how I put display it in Lovelace.
The important bits here (if you know this, forgive me, if not - maybe it will help) - is to keep the naming consistent. HA will convert the name from the first sensor into an entity_id.
So in my case, here it reads Voron_24 Status. HA will take it, convert it internally to voron_24_status and this is what you use below in the actual sensors.And since I am waaaaaay too lazy (
) I am going to wait for MQTT to come along before solving issues like not zeroing out of entries when the printer is off
See if that will work and if you get stuck, ping me and I'll be happy to help.
@nikscha I could not make it work either using RRF3.
I ended up modifying another integration to make it work with RRF 3.
You can find it on my repo :
Basically I just added authentication to the integration I forked to be able to retrieve data.
It is still using the rr_status command that is planned to be removed in RRF3.5 if I recall correctly, but it should work with earlier version. It should not be too hard to move to rr_model as it should only be changing json parsing. -
Many thank's for your work!
Hopefully we can expect a update do see the RRF 3.5 working too.
@repier37 just installed your plugin but it doesn't seam to connect to my printer (6HC/v3.4.5 with SBC).
If I send a manual http request it seams like I get access without a password.
Any ideas what I might have done wrong? All sensors are setup, but values do not change.
duet3d_printer: host: !secret duet3d_host name: !secret duet3d_name password: !secret duet3d_password number_of_tools: 1 bed: true sensors: monitored_conditions: - 'Current State' - 'Temperatures' - 'Job Percentage' - 'Time Elapsed' - 'Time Remaining' - 'Position'
Seams like rr_status has been deprecated in v3.4.5, works though so for this to work with the current version of RRF some work needs to be done on this integration. unfortunately I'm not a Python dev.
Btw, is there a websocket or webhooks that can be used or can we only rely on polling updates?
Hey folks,
i picked this topic up yesterday and refactored the integration to make it work again with the new/machine/status
https://github.com/Lyr3x/hass-Duet3DNot happy yet with the position entity and the fact that there is no proper config flow and entities are not attached to a device. I will work on that in the next days. Might take some time as I need to dig into that to understand how custom components are built and what the spaghetti code in the integration is doing
I removed the job percentage yesterday temporarily to get this out of my way, because there is not such attribute, but I already spotted that it can be easily calculated with the file size. Contributions are welcomed!I also removed the password property, as this is not needed for the endpoint. Furthermore, I might need to set up a proper session when the integration has maybe a service to send G/M codes as well. We'll see.
Hope that it is of some help for you as well
@pkos said in Home Assistant Integration:
While waiting, you can easily use this:
https://github.com/iz3man/duet3d/blob/main/duet3d.yamlJust add the lines to your configuration.yaml, modify for your printer and restart HA.
LOL. Looking for a way to get MQTT running on Duet-Wifi board, find this thread, and then a link to MY github
Btw: This is still using perfectly fine with the latest betafirmware
And I found this github for MQTT integration which gives basically the same info - but haven't tested yet, as I'm waiting for native MQTT support before I start ripping everything apart again.
@Lyr3x good work, wow! I'll check it out in the next few days!
@izeman Looks Awesome
how did you get the controls for PLA and that switch into HASS?