Access bed mesh maximum deviation?
Is there a way to access the bed mesh maximum deviation and use it as a value in gcode?
undefined Phaedrux moved this topic from Using Duet Controllers
Have you checked in the Object Model browser plugin?
@phaedrux I guess my question is better phrased as:
Is there a command or otherwise a way to assign the bed mesh maximum deviation value to a variable within gcode? -
Yes, if it's in the object model. I'm not sure off the top of my head and can't check at the moment.
@phaedrux Ah got it, thanks
I don't see anything under move.compensation that appears to be maximum deviation value, there are RMS and Mean deviations thoughBut I do see move.compensation.meshDeviation which I'm guessing is an array that I could probably just parse for min/max
I was looking at the online documentation, after booting up my printer and looking at the DWC plugin, move.compensation.meshDeviation is an objectMy min mesh value is -.112 and max is .001 according to the height map viewer. I don't see any corresponding values in the object browser