D36HC - To SBC or Standalone?
Considering upgrading to D36hc from D2wf and wonder if I should go for SBC install or standalone. I see some troubles with SBC a year back. Is it stable, any big benefits?
@pro3d i would stick with standalone
Definitely start with standalone. Then once you're up and running well you can try out the SBC mode without having to fight two dragons at once.
@pro3d Hi,
my short list of pros and cons regarding this question:
pro:- much quicker upload/download speeds and snappier DWC interface with SBC than standalone
- in my SBC setup, the mainboard(s) lose the wireless connection intermittently, using the Pi's wifi (router is in the same room). Not sure if this is a general wireless issue or if it is better with the Duet's onboard wifi. Sometimes can only be reinstated by rebooting the board - not feasible during a print job...
@sonderzug loss of wifi is SBC specific and usually means some power management on the Linux side is acting up.