Prusa slicer speed not following my settings
I've stumped myself on this. I was making some simple shapes to use for observing and selecting good settings for max speed, accel, jerk. I made 1 layer thick circles and squares with a width equal to the extrusion so I would get unfilled circles and squares as output from the slicer.
Oddly, the slicer is not using my speed settings when setting the speed in the sliced gcode file. I hoping someone can point to somewhere I'm being stupid. The square is the simplest of the files. I set a speed of 200mm/sec and get a speed of 50mm/sec on my gcode file. I'm attaching my 3MF (remove the .bin) file and the gcode my slicer generated.
Probably your min layer time setting?
@mikeabuilder CheckPrinter Settings->Machine Limits->How to apply limits.
If set to Emit to GCode, the PrusaSlicer will set them in the sliced gcode. The other two won't do that. -
@Phaedrux - SOLVED! I didn't even know there was a setting for that.
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