Dual self-squaring on the Y Axes
Is it possible to setup a CNC machine to have dual self-squaring on the Y Axes?
My CNC machine has a stepper motor on each Y Axis but only Y2 has a limit switch.
Can this be achieved only with closed loop stepper motors, or could I add a limit switch on the Y1 Axis and configure the Duet3 MB6HC with something like this:
M574 Y1 S1 P"io6.in+io8.in" ; configure dual self-squaring low end on y
Yes exactly. You can add a limit switch for the other motor. You can either use it as you have shown with the endstops combined for the singular Y axis and each motor will move until it's respective switch has been triggered, or if you want to adjust each motor independently you can create a separate axis for the homing and then recombine to singular Y.
Same concept as shown here: https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Connecting_hardware/Z_probe_auto_levelling#axis-levelling-using-endstops
Awesome, thank you @Phaedrux!
If I've got this right then, configuring them in this way would 'work' during the homing sequence and be ignored when running a project?
I suppose it would also be necessary to ensure the limit switches are in line with each other. Perhaps proximity switches might be better for this.
correct, endstops are only active during a homing move. You could repurpose them after homing to act as an emergency stop trigger as well.
And yes the endstops would need to be accurately positioned to use them in combined format. So having a way to physically adjust the trigger point is important. Otherwise, you would need to use the split axis method and reposition them with gcode to account for the offset.