Duex5 issues with fan
I bought a replacement Duex5 board because my current boards part cooling fan was not working for P6 slot. ( order #79384 )
When I installed the new Duex5 , P2,P4 and P6 fan were working fine but not P8. After some measuring on why new board was having an issue on different fan slot -- I noticed that the there was some burnt material near the P8 slot see attached.
The current Duex5 I have v0.10 with part cooling fan issue doesnt have any burn marks any where.
undefined Phaedrux referenced this topic
Was there a fan plugged into that port?
Is it possible bad wiring on a fan has caused the damage? Does the non-working fan from before match up with the one now? Or unrelated?
There was a fan plugged into that slot and it does power up when I use a separate power supply providing 24v and 0.1A power. I removed that fan so the damage could be seen easily.Is there a brand of fan that is not supposed to be used by these boards?
All my part cooling fans for my 4 tool changers are using the same model of fan.
@phaedrux I forgot to add in addition to testing using a separate 24v power source.
I also plugged in the fan for P8 which was not working into P4 slot, then picked up tool 2 to see if it worked, which it did.
@phaedrux Hi, the store I bought this product is asking me to get approval from some one in your team to get a refund for this product.
I am using the same fans on other fan slots with no issues. The same fan that is not powering up on P8 is working fine from both a secondary power supply.
Please Advise,
Please send an email to warranty@duet3d.com and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.