Duet 3 heat bed faulting Instantly
My Am8 has a Duet 3 board that has been running fine for just under 12 months, this morning I went to start a print like normal. The printer instantly went into a fault on the heat bed side. I have checked all my wires, checked the fuses. All my wires are clean and not burnt and don't see anything broken that I can see physically. But something isn't working right or something is blown because it doesn't even heat up and it just instantly goes to fault. I contacted Filastruder about warranty since its under the 12 months. I was told to open a request for help first. So far everything else seems to be working. Except the heat bed. My extruder is heating up and fans seem to be working, the toolboard is working so far.
What fault message are you getting?
What kind of heat bed is it?
When you try to enable the bed heater does the LED on the Duet light up?
Are you comfortable to measure the heat bed output for a voltage with a multimeter when it is enabled?
How did you check the fuses? -
@phaedrux Im sorry I have been busy. But I working on a few things on it. Its been acting really weird. I got a few things I want to test before I go any further. Its possible it might be a bad wire going to the bed. But it wasn't working at all and now it works and suddenly stop working again. So i need to check a few things on the board and crimps to make sure I go though all the normal things. But I did check the fuses they seem fine, the debug light is working when its working. I need to check it when it stops working again. But this is the error I get when it stops working. Its almost instantly. Like its not even trying to turn the bed on. I watched the temps and they don't even raise a little. Like I said need to go though a few things first. Its also a 24 volt silicone bed put on a aluminum bed.
Error: Heater 0 fault: temperature rising too slowly: expected 0.73°C/sec measured 0.00°C/sec
@kordris It the room temperature lower than usual? I got that error when room was colder than usual, so I ran the PID tuning again fix it. Make sure the bed is at room temp before starting.
Definitely check your wires as it appears the bed isn't heating at all as far as the thermistor is concerned.