Klipper on Duet 3 Mainboard
I'm finally back up-and-runnning after moving my family across our state and getting started with a new job.
Progress was essentially paused until a little bit ago.
Sorry for the continued delay, life be busy
@luke-slaboratory First of all congrats on the new job
hope it's something you like. No need to be sorry, family and personal things come first
I can thank you for the work you do and can say lots of people appreciate it and we are glad that you work on this. Thanks for the update and will stand by and looking forward
Stay safe
Hi @Luke-sLaboratory, me again bothering you. Sorry for it. Just wanted to ask if there is any more progress on this one? Can't wait for it. Thanks lots in advance
Nice nice. That is amazing. Thank you lots for the update. You are doing so great. I will go back in my shell and keep waiting and hoping
Much appreciated by the way
@luke-slaboratory This looks great! Kudos!
I just received my duet 3 board and wanting to run klipper on it..
Are there any news? Are you planing to contribute it back when done? (Like to offical klipper repo)Also, if u need help with testing / porting i have some experience with other projects / code, maybe i can help out
There are people far smarter than me working on it right now - they'll be officially adding it when its ready.
Hello,i flashed my duet 3 mini,for a Voron 2.4,but klipper not recognized uart adress for the driver 5 and 6 with !1 and !2 Work only first 3 driver uart_pin 1...2..and 3. Other drivers with !1 not recognized.
Pins for reference:
Driver Step Pins - 0:PC26, 1:PC25, 2:PC24, 3:PC19, 4:PC16, 5:PC30, 6:PC18
Driver Dir pins - 0:PB3, 1:PB29, 2:PB28, 3:PD20, 4:PD21, 5:PB0, 6:PA27
Driver Enable - !PC28
Uart addresses - 0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:!0 5:!1 6:!2 | "!" is for inverted select pin
Thermistor Pins - T0:PC0, T1:PC1, T2:PC2
Vssa Sense:PB4 | Vref Sense:PB5
Current Sense resistor for drivers - .076ohm
SPI lines:{PD11, PC7} -> Shared SerCom#7, SPIMosi:PC12, SPIMiso:PC15, SPISCLK:PC13
Vin Monitor:PC3, uses 11:1 voltage divider
LED's - Diag:PA31, Act:PA30
12864 LCD - LCDCSPIN:PC6, ENCA:PC11, ENCB:PD1, ENCSW:PB9, LCD A0:PA2, LCDBeep:PA9, LCD Neopixel Out:PB12 (shared with IO3.out)
Neopixel Out - PA8
Serial0 - TX:PB25, RX:PB24 (USB)
Serial1 - TX:PB31, RX:PB30
SBC SPISS pin:PA6, SBCTfrReady:PA3, SerComPins:{PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7}
CAN Pins - TX:PB14 RX:PB15
Heaters, Fan outputs - {Out0:PB17 Out1:PC10 Out2:PB13 Out3:PB11 Out4:PA11, Out5:PB2, Out6:PB1} | Out6 is shared with VFD_Out
GPIO_out - {IO1:PB31 IO2:PD9 IO3:PB12 IO4:PD10} IO4 is shared with PSON
GPIO_in - {IO1:PB30 IO2:PD8 IO3:PB7 IO4:PC5 IO5:PC4 IO6:PC31}
Driver Diag - {D0:PA10, D1:PB8, D2:PA22, D3:PA23, D4:PC21, D5:PB10, D6:PA27}
Mux Pin - PD0
EXP headers only support 12864 LCD's
@flopo76 you need to invert the "select" pin, not the address pins -
In this way?
#driver6 X in MOTOR B
step_pin: PC18
dir_pin: !PA27
enable_pin: !PC28
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PC31
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 450[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: PA1
tx_pin: PA0
select_pins: !PD0
uart_address: 2
run_current: 1
sense_resistor: 0.076 -
@luke-slaboratory is there a fork somewhere to participate in that development / testing?
@Luke-sLaboratory Hi Luke, did you manage to get Klipper working on the Duet 3 6HC board? Thanks!
@luke-slaboratory That's great news. Do you know if Duet Tool Board support will be included as well?
@dhusolo klipper doesn't support CAN-FD so I doubt it
For future travelers, I was one of the folks testing Alex Maclean's work. I haven't used the latest (time) but wanted to share my config as an example. Note it might have bugs, but hopefully gets you started: https://github.com/ibash/railcore-klipper/blob/main/ibash.cfg
@ibash said in Klipper on Duet 3 Mainboard:
The Klipper config is much more readable and user friendly than the RRF config. Just saying.
This post is deleted! -
@arnold_r_clark said in Klipper on Duet 3 Mainboard:
if you dare disagree with them they become an abusive angry mob
That's not different from many other aspects of our lives these days.
undefined droftarts referenced this topic
@arnold_r_clark well said, even though I'm coming into this thread a few years later. I actually paid someone on Youtube to do some videos about Klipper when it was first coming out. But it was hard for them to make a video back then, and klipper was in it's infancy.
Anyways, if you read this, I appreciate your honesty and intelligence.
Mac / Mark / Corlissmedia (2.0).