Z Probe is off the bed at X0 Y0 so autolevel does not work
Title says it all. I need to be able to set the initial probing point before doing an auto level because my probe is at X -18.75. Solidly off the build plate. Also god forbid G30 is ever run on the machine, if there were a way to make that probe a location actually on the build plate that would be great.
Moving the Z probe to the other side is not possible without a ton of work.
Mine is also off the bed at 0,0
You can define the probe points wherever you like.
I have two defined in bed.g to do the autolevel across the leadscrews.
G30 P0 X0 Y153.5 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, half way along Y axis G30 P1 X260 Y153.5 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors
I have also used a setup in the slicer start code where it moves Z to 5mm then goes to X150 Y150 and finally runs the G30 to set the zero near the bed centre.
Make sure you set the probe offset correctly - the G30 commands with position use the offsets in your config to put the probe where the nozzle would be, so eg. the X0 is actually at what would normally be something like X46..
G31 P500 X-46 Y4.5 Z2.840 ; set Z probe trig value, offset (from TC face centre)+ trigger height
@rjenkinsgb Thanks, when I read the write up on editing G30 from dc42 I thought that editing G30 would set the expected Z value at that location, but I did not realize he was talking from the perspective that XY values would change where it probed.