How I fixed [Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected
Re: Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected
I was able to find the solution to my problem the the no tool selected error.
I have multiple printer like any one else here and I use Cura to slice my g-codes and that is where my problem was.The first thing I fixed was I changed the g-code flavor in 3d printer settings to RepRap I don't know why but it defaulted Marlin.
2nd I unchecked marked apply Extruder offsets to gcode.
3rd and final attempt that I believe fixed my problem. I have printers with multiple extruders but not on this one its a single extruder.
I went into extensions next to settings in Cura and post processing > modify G-Code.
Here I found I left a scrip for color mix on so I removed the script and reprinted with success.
I recommend Clearing all scripts and that's how I fixed my little issue with no tool selected.